
  • Optimization Techniques for GPU Programming

    In October 2022, after working on it for more than a year, we finally published a survey paper on optimizations techniques for GPU programming. It covers 14 years of development…

  • Updated list of publications

    In this update I want to highlight the publication of a Paper I wrote together with Dr. Teseo of NTU (Singapore). The title of the paper is “Microbial associates and…

  • AMBER on SoftwareX

    Today SoftwareX published our latest paper “AMBER: A real-time pipeline for the detection of single pulse astronomical transients“. The paper, which is open access, can be downloaded on ScienceDirect.

  • Updated list of publications

    Taking advantage of the lockdown, I just updated my list of publications, a task that was long overdue.

  • Thesis: “FF-Flagger: A New RFI-Mitigation Pipeline For Transient Detection at WSRT”

    Jedda Boyle just submitted the final version of his masters thesis about radio frequency interference mitigation.I was one of Jed’s supervisors, and if you want to read his thesis it…

  • First paper at the eScience center

    After just few weeks at the Netherlands eScience Center, I collaborated to a paper about clustering and embeddings in digital forensics.

  • PhD Thesis

    Publishing online my PhD thesis, whose title is “Accelerating Radio Astronomy with Auto-Tuning”. The thesis can be downloaded from the publications page.

  • NIRICT Workshop

    Today I attended the NIRICT “GPGPU Systems: from hardware to programming and performance” workshop and presented the latest results of my work on auto-tuning on many-cores. The presentation, whose title…

  • First Astronomy Paper

    The journal “Astronomy and Computing” recently published my first astronomy paper. As usual, links to download the article are available in the publications section.

  • GlobalSIP Conference

    Today I presented my latest paper, “A Real-Time Radio Transient Pipeline for ARTS”, at the GlobalSIP conference in Orlando, Florida. The slides of the presentation, and the preprint of the…

About me


My name is Alessio Sclocco.
I am Italian and live in Amsterdam (NL).
I have a PhD in Computer Science, and work as a Research Software Engineer at the Netherlands eScience Center.
My research interests include high-performance computing, many-core accelerators, and auto-tuning.